Unbearable Shahadat Of Ali Asghar 6th Months Old

Life of shahzada Ali Asghar as
Hazrat Ali Asghar , is recognized as the youngest offspring of Imam Hussain (as). He was born shortly prior to the departure of Imam Hussain (as) from Madina. The mother of Hazrat Ali Asghar (as) was Hazrat Umme Rubaab (sa), the daughter of Imra’u’l Qais, chief of the Kinda tribe.
Hazrat Umme Rubaab (sa) was the mother of two offspring, namely Bibi Sakina (sa) and Hazrat Ali Asghar (as). The inclusion of a recently born infant in Imam’s company serves as more evidence supporting the assertion that his intentions did not involve participating in any form of military uprising.
Shahzada Ali Asgar as in Karbla
At Karbala, Hazrat Ali Asghar’s age was just six months. Starting with the seventh day of the Islamic month of Muharram, a scarcity of water was observed within the encampment of the revered Imam. Hazrat Ali Asghar (as) experienced significant discomfort due to extreme thrust and dehydration.
On the day of Ashura, subsequent to the demise of Hazrat Ali Akbar, Imam Hussain (as) positioned Himself outside the encampment. He found Himself in a state of solitude, with no companions, while He made the necessary preparations to engage in combat on the battlefield. At that moment, He perceived the sound of a kid in distress.
Hazrat Ali Asghar (as), afflicted by the sensations of extreme hunger and thirst, experienced significant distress.
Imam Husain (as),
Entered the tent of Bibi Umme Rubaab (as). Imam Hussain (as) raised the infant Hazrat Ali Asghar from the cradle with tears in their eyes. Rubaab,” He stated,
“I shall escort Him to the troops of Yazid. Undoubtedly, it is implausible for them to refute the provision of a small quantity of water to this young child. Hazrat Umme Rubaab (sa) proceeded to alter the attire of Hazrat Ali Asghar (as). She proceeded to fasten a small turban upon His cranium. Similar to any typical mother, Hazrat Umme Rubaab (sa) desired Her son to present himself in an exemplary manner when in the presence of unfamiliar others.
Imam Hussain, (as) brought Hazrat Ali Asghar (as) to the battlefield. Approaching the troops of Yazid, Imam Hussain (as) spoke, O Cruels “This young individual has not inflicted any damage against you.” My son is experiencing severe thrust, He is restless and pining like a fish without water. I humbly request a small quantity of water on His behalf.
Imam Husain (as) ‘s condition
“No answer received, Imam Hussain (as) said that if there were concerns over the possibility of his consuming the water intended for Asghar, He would willingly place Ali Asghar on the hot ground, allowing others to directly administer the water to Him.
Imam Hussain, (as) positioned the infant on the sandy terrain of Karbala’ and proceeded to take a few steps backward. One can envision the intense heat of the desert sand.
Hazrat Ali Asghar (as), remained still without displaying any signs of pain. He directed his gaze towards the opposing forces and fixed His eyes upon them. A low-level commotion ensued among the soldiers, however, no individual stepped forward to provide water to the infant.
Imam’s sadness for Son
Imam Hussain (as), embraced Hazrat Ali Asghar (as) and, with a distinct vocal tone, uttered, “Asghar, my son, demonstrate to them the extent of your thirst!” Ali Asghar (as) directed his gaze toward the Yazidi troops. Hazrat Ali Asghar (as) had a pleasant facial expression, characterized by a gentle grin. Subsequently,
He proceeded to part his lips, revealing His desiccated tongue, which He proceeded to moisten by running it across His lips. The sword of utmost significance has been drawn from its scabbard!
The soldiers were deeply affected by this, to the extent that their audible crying could be perceived. However, a pervasive fear of Yazid prevented anyone from mustering the courage to offer water to Ali Asghar (as).
Umar Sa’ad expressed concern. It appeared that Asghar was prevailing in this conflict against the formidable force of Yazid. He directed his gaze towards Hurmala, a renowned archer, and whispered, “Shoot, Hussain!”
Hurmala raised his bow he directed an arrow
Subsequently, an unfortunate event occurred. Hurmala raised his bow he directed an arrow toward the juvenile. The projectile traversed the arid expanse of the scorching desert.
Hazrat Ali Asghar (as), had a facial expression characterized by the upward curvature of the lips, commonly associated with positive emotions. Hazrat Ali Asghar (as) elevated His head and extended His neck in a curved manner. It is beyond the realm of comprehension for any rational individual to fathom the events that transpired thereafter. The emission of the hissing sound ceased, causing Ali Asghar (as) to assume a motionless position within the embrace of his paternal figure.
Imam Hussain (as), observed the presence of an arrow lodged in Hazrat Ali Asghar’s neck, subsequently witnessing the neck itself, and ultimately perceiving a grin before his visual perception ceased.
Situation after they killed the Imam Hussain’s son
Imam experienced a sensation of lightheadedness. Briefly, there was a period of darkness. The individual was unable to perceive visual stimuli. A profound stillness enveloped the region of Karbala’, punctuated solely by the tranquil ripples of the Furaat River.
The projectile penetrated the vulnerable neck region and became embedded within the chest cavity of Imam Hussain (as). Imam Hussain(as) encountered an insurmountable challenge in his attempt to remove the arrow. Hazrat Ali Asghar (as) supported by His two arms. The individual directed their gaze towards the celestial expanse, and beseeched,
“Oh Almighty Allah, grant me fortitude during this very arduous juncture in my existence.” No other prophetic figure in history has undergone a trial as rigorous and demanding as the one described.
The emotional state of Imam as a father
According to accounts, the Imam’s emotional state in response to the distressing incident involving the Hazrat Ali Asghar (as), was so profound that it reportedly manifested physically, resulting in a sudden greying of his beard and an aged appearance. Using his teeth.
He carefully draped His abaya over Ali Asghar’s torso in order to provide protection from the intense heat of the sun. Subsequently, Imam Hussain (as) proceeded to inhale deeply on many occasions, initiating His movement toward the designated camping area.
As He approached, He observed Hazrat Umme Rubaab (sa)positioned at the entrance to Her tent. The observer perceived a range of emotions, including anxiety, hope, fear, and restlessness, reflected in Her gaze. Imam Hussain (as) had a noticeable decline in physical vigor.
He was unable to go in the direction of Bibi Umme Rubaab. Imam (as), retreated a distance of seven steps while uttering the phrase
“inna lil-Lahi wa inna ilay-hi raja’uun.”
The individual ceased their actions and deliberated over the necessity of escorting the infant to their maternal figure. Imam Hussain (as), proceeded to advance by seven paces while uttering the phrase “inna lil-Lahi wa inna ilay-hi raja’uun.
” Once more, his gaze intersected with that of Bibi Rubaab. Once more, the Imam displayed, a lack of fortitude as He retreated, while uttering the phrase “inna lil-Lahi wa inna ilay-hi raja’uun.” Imam Hussain (as), performed this action on seven occasions.
The concept of moving in both forward and backward directions. Throughout the duration, Bibi Rubaab’s gaze remained fixated on t. On each occasion, the Imam recites the phrase “inna lil-Lahi wa inna ilay-hi raja’uun.”
Ultimately, via some means, He successfully removed the arrow. They excavated, a diminutive burial site manually. Ali Asghar, buried by both his father and mother in a collective effort.