Superiority of Moula Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S) in Ahadees

The Ahadees indicating Moula Ali’s (AS) worth
In this article, I will share the Ahadees indicating Moula Ali’s (AS) worth and the prophetic traditions that I have read about in the Sihahs of the Sunnis and that have been validated by the Shias too. I referred to just those Ahadees that have been accepted by both sides.
- The prophetic tradition states, “I am the city of Knowledge, and Ali is the doorway to it.”
Because an educated man should be followed as an example, this tradition on its own ought to be adequate to show the example that needs to be followed after the Prophet of Allah (PBUH), because the educated man ought to be followed.
Mustadrak, al Hakim, vol 3 p 127 Tarikh, Ibn Kathir, vol 7 p 358
This is what Allah, the Highest, said:
“Are those who know and those who do not know the same?”
[Verse 39:9 of the Holy Quran]
He also made the following statement:
“Is He, therefore, more deserving to be followed who directs to the truth, or is he who himself does not travel aright until he is guided? Then, what really is wrong with you; how do you evaluate things?”
[Verse 10:35 of the Holy Quran]
Moula Ali (as) was the most learned Personality among all of the Companions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), they used to consult Moula Ali (as) on every important topic. We are not aware of any instance in which he denied providing his advice; nonetheless, history has recorded numerous events that indicate this to us. These facts tell us that Moula Ali was the most knowing man among all of the Companions.
Hazrat Abu Bakr is reported to have exclaimed, “May Allah never put me in a situation that Abu al-Hasan is unable to rectify.
” And Umar remarked, “If it hadn’t been for Ali, I would have been the one to perish.”
Al Isti’ab, vol 3 p 39
Manaqib al Khawarizmi, p 48
Al Riyadh al Nadirah, vol 2 p 194
Ibn Abbas stated,
“When contrasted with Ali’s wisdom, my knowledge and the knowledge of the Companions of Muhammad (P.B.U.H) is nothing more than a drop in seven oceans.”
Imam Ali (as) had this to say of himself:
“Ask me before you lose me
If you ask me about everything that could take place between now and the Day of Judgement, I will tell you about it with the permission of Allah. Ask me about the Book of Allah, for by Allah, there is no verse in the Qur’an that I do not know when it was revealed, whether it was revealed during the night or the day, or whether it was revealed on a plain or on a mountain.
Al Riyadh al-Nadirah, vol 2 p 198
Tarikh, Suyuti, p 124
Al Itqan, Suyuti, vol 2 p 319
Fath al Bari, vol 8 p 485 Tadhib al Tadhib, vol 7 p 338
In the words of Allah, the Highest, “And fruits and herbage, A supply for you and for your livestock,” Abu Bakr was once questioned over the significance of the term “Abb,” which translates to “herbage.” Holy Quran, verses 80:31 and 32
When Abu Bakr was asked what he would say, he responded by asking, “Whose sky would give me shade, and whose country would carry me, if I speak something regarding the Book of Allah that I do not know.” And Umar is speaking these words.
“Even ladies have more experience than I have,” said the one who knew the least. Once, he was asked about the interpretation of a verse from the Qur’an, and his response was to chastise the guy and beat him till he bled. After that, he advised the man not to ask about subjects that could look inappropriate to him.
Sunan, al Darimi, vol 1 p 54 Tafsir, Ibn Katheer, vol 4 p 232 Tafsir, Suyuti, vol 6p 111
Additionally, he was questioned on “Al-Kalalah,” but he was unable to explain its significance.
According to what Al-Tabari said in his “commentary,” Umar was quoted as saying, “My understanding of Al-Kalalah is more precious to me than holding a palace akin to those in Syria.”
Umar is reported by Ibn Maja in one of his works as stating,
“There are three things, and if they were described by the Messenger of Allah, I would have loved them more dearly than everything else in the world: Al-Kalalah, usury, and the caliphate.” Ibn Maja is known for writing several books. It is unthinkable that the Messenger of Allah would have remained mute on the issues raised here.
The tradition handed down by the Prophet (PBUH): O Ali! You are in the same position in respect to me as Haroon was in reference to Moses; the only difference is that there will not be another prophet after me.
Moula Ali was the right person to be the supporter, the guardian, and the deputy [or successor] of the Messenger of Allah(PBUH), just as Haroon was the right person to be the supporter, the guardian, and the deputy of Mussa (as) when He went to meet God. This tradition demonstrates the exceptional quality of the Ameer ul Momeneen Moula Ali (as), which should be obvious to anyone with common sense. Moula Ali (as) was the Commander of the Believers.
There is also the position of Moula Ali(as) with the Holy Prophet (PBUH), which is completely equivalent to the relation between Haroon and Mussa (as), with the exception of the prophethood, which was eliminated in the same narrative. In addition, we learn through the tradition that Moula Ali (as) was the greatest Companion and that He was only second in importance to the Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him).
The tradition handed down by the Holy Prophet(PBUH): Ali (as)is the master of all those over whom I have authority. O Allah! Love the one who loves Him and detest the one who hates Him; aid the one who helps Him and abandon the one who forsakes Him; and follow Him Everywhere He goes and turn justice with him wherever He goes.
This story alone is sufficient to respond to the claims made against the seniority of the earlier caliphs Abu Bakr, Umar, and Usman in comparison to Ali (as), who was chosen by the Messenger of Allah(PBUH) as the protector after Him of all of the believers. Whoever sought to interpret the statement as the buddy or the support in order to deflect it from its original meaning is of no relevance, which ensures that the integrity of the Companions may be preserved. In spite of the oppressive heat, the Messenger of Allah(PBUH) stood before the crowd and addressed them, asking,
“Do you witness that I have a previous title to and superior authority over all of the faithful?” “Yes, O Messenger of Allah,” was the response they gave. Following this, he made the following statement: “Ali is the master of all those whom I am a master of .”
Clear Indication Of Moula Ali‘s Importance:
This is a clear text indicating that the Messenger of Allah had appointed Moula Ali (as) as His successor to lead the Ummah and the just and sensible person could not but accept this interpretation and refuse that of the others, thereby preserving the integrity of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) before preserving the integrity of the Companions. It is a clear text indicating that the Messenger of Allah(PBUH) had appointed Moula Ali as His successor to lead the nation.
Those who provide another meaning to the statement are, in reality, making fun of the wisdom of The Holy Prophet (PBUH), who assembled the mass of people in that intense heat to teach them that Moula Ali (as) was the wasi and wali of the faithful.
Those who give an alternative interpretation of the saying are not acceptable at all. And what do such people say about the parade of congratulation that the Messenger of Allah organized for Moula Ali (as), given that they deliberately misunderstand the scripture in order to protect the honor of their masters? It began with the wives of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the mothers of the believers, and then Abu Bakr and Umar came to Him and said,
Well done, Ibn Abi Talib, and may Allah reward you.” Overnight, you were elevated to the role of protector and ruler over all of the devoted.”
In point of fact, every piece of historical evidence points in the direction of people who misinterpret the aforementioned tradition being dishonest. I feel sorry for the people who wrote what they wrote, and I feel sorry for the people who are writing what they are writing. It was Allah, also known as the Most High, who stated. According to verse 2:146 of the Holy Qur’an,
“…a group of them most assuredly conceals the truth while they know it.”
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: Ali is from me, and I am from Ali; nonetheless, only I or Ali can fulfill my responsibility, and no one else can.
This revered story is even another unmistakable sign that the Holy Prophet (PBUH)gave His authority to Moula Ali (as) alone, and no one else, to carry out his responsibilities. When Abu Bakr came wailing and asked, “O Messenger of Allah! “, the Prophet stated it on the day of the great pilgrimage when He sent Moula Ali (as) with Surat Bara’at instead of Abu Bakr. Make your presence known to me. ” The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said,
“My Lord commanded me to tell you that nobody other than myself or Ali is allowed to execute my role.”
Sunan, Ibn Majah, vol 1 p 44
Khasais, al Nasai, p 20 Sahih, al Tirmidhi, vol 5 p 300
Jami al Usul, Ibn Kathir, vol 9 p 471
Al Jami al Saghir, al Suyuti, vol 2 p 56
Al Riyadh al Nadirah, Tabari, vol 2p 229
There is a second story that lends credibility to this claim. According to this tradition, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) praised Moula Ali (as) on another occasion by saying,
“O Ali! When there is contention among them after I am gone, you will lead them in the correct direction.
How could a person who did not grasp the meaning of “Al-Abb” and “Kalalah” be more senior to Moula Ali (as) when none other than Moula Ali was capable of performing the duties that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) had entrusted to Him, and if He was the one who would teach them the correct path when disagreements began to arise among them after He had passed away?
This is one of the terrible catastrophes that have been visited upon Ummah. We could not accuse Allah, the Messenger of Allah, or Moula Ali, the Commander of the Believers, for it; rather, the guilt lies squarely with those who disobeyed and changed, because Allah stated:
“And when it is said to them, “Come to what Allah has revealed and to the Messenger. They say, “What we found our forefathers on is adequate for us” (That on which we found our forebears is sufficient for us). What! despite the fact that their dads were ignorant and did not lead them in the correct direction” [Verse 5:104 of the Holy Qur’an].
Tarikh, Ibn Askir, vol 2 p 488
Kunuz al Haqa’iq, al Mauawi, p 203
Kanz al Ummal, vol 5 p 33
The prophetic custom that the House observes on the day of Warning.
Imam Ali was mentioned in a statement made by the Prophet of Allah (BPUH). Listen to him and obey him, since he is my brother, my trustee, and my caliph after I am gone.
Tarikh, al Tabari, vol 2 p319
Al Sirah al Halabiyah, vol 1 p 311
Shawahid al Tanzil, vol 1 p 371
Kanz al Ummal, vol 15 p 15
Tarikh, Ibn Asakir, vol 1 p 85
Tafsir, Ala al Din al Shafi’i, vol 3 p 371
The Life of Muhammad, First Edition, by Hasanyn Haykal (Chapter on: And chastise your nearest, your kinsmen)
This is yet another correct tale that was recounted by numerous historians at the beginning of the prophetic mission. It is also believed to be one of the miracles that the Prophet performed. However, the facts have been twisted as a result of political intrigue.
Therefore, it should come as no surprise that the oppression that occurred during that period is occurring again throughout our lifetime. For instance, Muhammad Husayn Haykal included the proverb in his whole book “The Life of Muhammad,” which was published in 1334 Hijri (page 104 of the first edition).
The portion of the tradition in which the Prophet is quoted as saying, “Moula Ali is my trustee, my deputy [caliph] after me” has been excised beginning with the Second Edition and continuing forth.
They neglected to recognize that al-Tabari had recounted the story in its entirety in his Annals Volume 2, Page 319. Additionally, in al-Tabari’s commentary (Tafsir), Volume 19, Page 121, when the Prophet states “My trustee and my deputy [caliph]” was altered to “This is my brother, etc., etc.” Observe how they use the language and twist the truth in order to achieve their goal of extinguishing the light of Allah through their words, yet Allah is still spreading His light.
When an impartial investigator comes across such an obvious distortion, he will undoubtedly begin to distance himself from them and become persuaded that all they have is falsehoods and twisted facts as evidence.
They employ writers, whom they give money, titles, and bogus university degrees in order to write for their books and articles through which they insult the Shias and accuse them of blasphemy, while at the same time, they defend the position, even if it is unjust, of some of the Companions who turned on their heels and exchanged right for wrong after the departure of the Messenger of Allah. In other words, they insult the Shiites and accuse them of blasphemy.
According to Allah, “Even so spoke those before them, the like of what they say; their hearts are all the same.” In point of fact, we have made the passages understandable for people who are confident. [Sacred Scripture, Chapter 2:18]
Moula Ali as position can’t be challenged as he is a family member of Rasool e Khuda.Moula Ali is the most important figure and personality of Islam and every Muslim believes it