Eid e Ghadir 2023 Amaal:Why Eid e Ghadir is important?

How important is Eid e Ghadir?
The happy occasion of Eid e Ghadir takes place on the 18th of Zil-Hajj. Eid e Ghadir is the day that Moula Ali (a.s.) was chosen to be the next after the Holy Prophet (pbuh). He was also chosen to be the leader of the faithful with the title Ameer ul Momeneen. Eid e Ghadir is also the day that the famous Ayat “Al-yaoma akmalto lakum dinakum wa atmamto alaikum naimatee” was revealed, letting people know that the DEEN (blessings) had been completed and the NAIMAT (wilayat e Ali as) had been finalized.
Eid e Ghadir is the day of joy gratefulness and thanking the Almighty for the ultimate Naimat e Kubra, wilayat e Moula Ali. Imam Ali Raza (a.s.) said that on the Day of Judgement, four days will be presented to Allah (swt) with the beauty of a bride: Friday, Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Azha, and Eid e Ghadir. Eid e Ghadir will stand out the most and be like the moon among the stars.
This is the day that prayers are accepted, the day to send SALAWAT to the Holy Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) and His Ahl-e-Bait (a.s.), the day to pray with the greatest attention and commitment, the day to stay away from sins, and the day to greet and embrace other momineen with joy. Eid e Ghadir day’s Roza has a lot of importance. Giving sadqa on Eid e Ghadir is highly encouraged and appreciated, and the amount given as sadqa is multiplied by 1000.
Aamal and Eid e Ghadir prayers
- It’s best to take a bath early on Eid e Ghadir to clean yourself.
- On Eid e Ghadir, you should fast.
- On Eid e Ghadir Recite Ziarat-e-Ameenallah and Ziarat-e-Mutliqah
- On Eid e Ghadir Recite Dua-e-Nudbah
- On Eid e Ghadir Offer 2 rakaat prayers of Eid e Ghadir before mid-day. In each Rakaat, after Sura Hamd, say Sura Ahad (Qul ho Allah ho Ahad), Sura Qadr (Inna anzalna ho fi lailat-il-Qadr), and Ayat al-Kursi 10 times each. This prayer is very helpful, and Allah (swt) will give whatever dua is asked for, Inshallah. It is best to say this prayer close to noon, but before noon, because that is when The Holy Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) announced that Imam Ali (a.s.) would be His replacement (Wali & Wasi) and master of the faithful (Ameer ul Momeneen).
On Eid e Ghadir ,After the prayers, get on your knees and say “Shukran Lillah” 100 times and “Alhamd-o-lillah” 100 times. Imam Jaffer Sadiq (a.s.) says that whoever does this will be like someone who accepted the Imamate and Caliphate of Imam Ali (a.s.) and swore loyalty at the Ghadeer-e-Khum in front of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). The person who does this will also be like those who will be with Imam-e-Zamana (ajtfs) under His flag.
- It is customary among the followers of Ahl-e-Bait(a.s.) to greet each other on On Eid e Ghadir and shake their hands and say to each other the following: “Akhaituka fil lah-e wa safetoka fil lah-e wa safahtoka fil lah-e wa aahad tullah-a wa malaekatahu wa kutubahu wa rusulahu wa ambiya-uhu wa aaimmatul ma’soomeena alaihumus salam ala anni in kuntu min ahlil jannati wash shafa’ate wa oozina lee be an adkhulal jannah la adkhulaha illa wa anta ma ee aa”.
On Eid e Ghadir ,the other momin/moment should also greet him/her saying: “Asqat tu anka jame’ah haqooq-il ukhuwate ma khalad dua-e waz ziarat-e wash shafa-ah”
- On Eid e Ghadir, Recite 100 times:
[Praise be to Allah, who finished His faith and His favor by making Ali ibn Abi Talib, peace be on him, the leader of the Muslims.]
Historical point of view, Eid e Ghadir
Quran 005:067
“O Messenger! Tell people what your Lord has shown you because if you don’t, you won’t be able to pass on His word. God will keep you safe from people. Lo! Allah doesn’t help people who don’t believe”.
All the travelers come together On Eid e Ghadir
When The Hazrat Jibraeel (as) said the above “Ayah,” the Messenger of Allah, Hazrat Mohammad (pbuh), stopped and froze.
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) kept a close eye on his cousin Moula Ali (a.s.), who was going with Him. Then, to the surprise of His sahaba and companions, He quickly told the caravan to stop. To stop in such a lonely and dry place in the desert, called Ghadeer Khumm, when it was hot and sunny in the middle of the day.
The Holy Prophet (pbuh) listened to them with patience and told them that stopping them in such an unwelcome place was wrong. But the Holy Prophet (pbuh) would just say quietly and with a smile that Allah (swt) told Him to talk to the crowd of travelers here and now, and it’s not up to him to question Allah (swt) about the time or place He chose!
And what did Allah (swt) tell Him to tell them, they asked impatiently. He would only say that He had been told to tell everyone what had just been shown to Him. Before the crowds start going their separate ways in the desert to their homes and destinations.
The Holy Prophet (pbuh) then told one of his closest friends and most trusted followers, Hazrat Bilaal (r.a.), to call out the Azaan right away so that the thousands of Muslim visitors could come to him.
Make Shift Pulpit
The Holy Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) then quickly told the people to clear the dry, thorny plants from the hot sand so that everyone could stand in front of him. Then he had some camel saddles stacked up to make a makeshift pulpit on a small sand hill so that people could see him.
Then, the Messenger of God waited calmly under the hot sun, sweating, for the people who were still behind and those who had gone further ahead to meet up in front of him.
As soon as the crowd gathered in front of Him, the Holy Apostle stood up on the makeshift pulpit of camel saddles stacked on a small sand hill in front of them, so he could be seen by everyone in the crowd. As soon as they saw their Prophet standing high in front of them, the many people who had been talking and asking questions quickly stopped.
He then pointed to Moula Ali ibn-e-Abi Talib (a.s.) and asked Him to join him and stand to His right on the makeshift Mimbar of piled camel saddles on the small dirt mound. Each person stood on his thin woolen cloak on the ground to protect his feet from the burning hot sands around him, which were baked by the blazing hot noon sun. They waited and watched the two people in front of them with amazement, and then they began to talk again. Each person gave their own idea of what was going to happen.
The Holy Prophet(pbuh) waved his hand, and everyone stopped talking. They all listened carefully as The Messenger of God(pbuh) slowly started His speech.
He began by thanking and glorifying Allah Almighty (swt), the maker of all worlds and heavens.
Then, to the shock of everyone in the church, He told them that He was about to die. He said, “I have been called, and it is time for me to answer because it is time for me to leave you.” But I do leave behind two things that are very important and heavy. And if you stick to them, you’ll never get lost!
The Holy Book of God and the Ahl-ul-Bait, my children.
Because they will never be apart until they have brought you to me on the holy shores of Heaven.
People had come in large groups to see Him, and when they heard that He was about to die, they wept freely out of sadness. But who would be their leader and guide? Who would replace Him? What was going to happen to them? What would happen to Islam if he wasn’t there? They muttered to each other in fear and confusion.
The announcement of who would take over On Eid e Ghadir
When they were all going faster. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) then shouted as loud as He could.
“Am I not a better person to be in charge of you than you are?”
People answered seriously, “By God. Yes, you are!”
Then, the Holy Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) grabbed both of Imam Ali’s (a.s.) arms and raised them so high above his shoulders that Ali’s (as) sleeves fell down and landed on his shoulders, showing Ali’s (as) white armpits.
The Holy Prophet (pbuh) then announced that Ali (as) would take His place as Khalifa of Allah (swt).
Allah is my master, and I am your master. If I am in charge of someone, then that person is also Ali’s master.
O God! Whoever wants to be his friend should be his friend. Those who are against him should fight him.
Those who back him should keep doing so. Those who leave him alone should do so.
This meant that through the revelation, Allah(swt) had asked the Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) to say that Moula Ali(a.s.) is the Chosen Successor to the Holy Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) by Allah(swt) Himself.
The following books have been written about this event and these words:
(1) Sahih Tirmizi, Vol.2 Page 298.
(2) Sahih ibn-e-Maja, Chapter: Virtues of the Companions of the Holy Prophet (pbuh&hf), Page 12 (3) Kinz-al-Amaal, Vol.6, Page 397 (4) Riyaz un-Nazra Vol.2, Page 169 (5) Mustadrak as-Sahiyeen, Vol.3, Page 109 (6) Mustadrak as-Sahiyeen, Fakhruddin Razi (10) Hulyat ul-Aulia, Vol.5, Page 26 (11) Sawaiq-e-Moharraka, Page 25 (12) Al-Asaba, Vol1, Al-qism 1, Page 319
After the pledge of loyalty rite was over, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) looked up to the sky and wept. He then pointed to the sky and said in a loud voice for everyone to hear:
Since God will judge me! Be a witness to the fact that I have finished and finished up your faith for you today and that I have successfully delivered The Message that Allah has given me.
“Oh, I’m not a Muslim, am I not?”
All of the Muslims shouted over and over again, “Yes, you have, Oh, Messenger of God! Yes you have.”
The Pledge of Loyalty
Then, the Holy Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) prayed two Rakats right there on the spot to mark the historic event. When He was done praying, it was time for noon prayers, so Hazrat Bilaal (r.a.) said the Azaan again.
After the noon prayers were over and the Prophet (pbuh) was done leading them. He quickly called Moula Ali (a.s.) and asked Him to join Him in the tent that had already been set up under a single tree.
The Holy Prophet (pbuh) then sat Ali (as) down on one side of the small tent, and he himself sat on the other side. Then, the Great Apostle of God (pbuh) told all the Muslims and his companions to swear loyalty to Imam Ali (a.s.) in front of him.
All the Muslims did as he asked and formed a long queue. Each of them took a solemn “Oath of Allegiance” with the Holy Prophet Mohammad (pbuh&hf) standing by Imam Ali (a.s.), and he accepted their congratulations while watching as a personal witness to their testimonies of the solemn occasion.
A big bowl of water was set up in front of Imam Ali (a.s.) for the women who were with him. Then, in front of him, a small homemade screen was put up. Imam Ali (a.s.) put his right hand under the screen and dipped it in the bowl that was right next to the screen. Then, one by one, the women were brought in. Each dipped her right hand in the bowl of water in front of her and before the screen, and gave her “Oath of Allegiance” to Imam Ali (a.s.), who was sitting behind the screen.
On Eid e Ghadir, Imam Ali (a.s.) is praised for becoming the Caliph.
As soon as the last Muslim had taken the Oath of Allegiance, the British took over. The Prophet (pbuh) gave Imam Ali (a.s.) a warm hug and praised him for becoming Khalifa Rasul Allah, which means “Vicegerent of the Messenger of God over all Muslims” after the Prophet died.
The happy crowd around them was deeply moved by the holy scene in front of them. Then they all cheered and cried because they were so happy. But there were some who were jealous of Moula Ali (a.s.) and had bad thoughts about Him. While these people gave their allegiance and publicly congratulated Moula Ali(a.s.) and the Holy Prophet (pbuh)on the appointment of Imam Ali(a.s.) as the Successor, they would later deny this great day, take the sacred Caliphate for themselves, and cause the Muslim nation to split.
But as of now, the Holy Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) joyfully praises Moula Ali (a.s.) and publicly called him Ameer-al-Momineen, which means “Commander of the Faithful.”
This was the first time this term had ever been heard of or used to talk about a Muslim. So, this term is only for Moula Ali ibn-e-Abi Talib (a.s.) and no one else.
Following the Prophet’s (pbuh) lead, the rest of his companions did the same. Among them, Umar ibn-e-Khattab stood out, because he was the one who shouted to Imam Ali (a.s.), “Oh, brave, Ali son of Abu Talib!
You are now my Master, as well as the Master of every man and woman who believes!”
The writers then started writing poems to remember this happy and wonderful event in the history of Islam.
Then, the Holy Messenger of God (pbuh), who was with his son-in-law Moula Ali (a.s.), told the huge crowds of returned Pilgrims to start the long journey north to their home city of Madina. Others said goodbye to their Prophet (pbuh) and split up into small and big groups to go back home.