16 zilhajj: The Great Eid Mubahila

The joyous celebration of Eid Mubahila falls on the 24th of Zil-Hajj, making this day the anniversary of that event. Today marks the day that Muslims prevailed against Christians and won the battle. In the tenth year of the Hijrah, the incident known as Mubahila took place. Eid Mubahila is the most important day in Shia beliefs.
A look back to Eid Mubahila rich historical past
Najran was a lush place that was located around 20 km away from Sanaa in the mountainous northern region of Yemen. There were around 40,000 Christians living in the region, which consisted of 73 different villages. They worshipped idols in the past, much like the Arabs did. However, a priest named Femeon, who was a builder by trade, preached Christianity in the region of Najran, and soon the whole community converted to Christianity. As a result, Najran became a strong centre of activity for Christians.
In addition to it, they built a church and designated it as the “Kaba-e-Najran.” They worshipped there and made a variety of sacrifices, which resulted in an annual revenue of almost two hundred thousand Dinars, which was used to support the priest who lived and studied at that location.
when the conquest of Makkah, when Islam began fast expanding and the fighting parties joined under the flag of Islam, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) began sending emissaries to the tribes that had not yet adopted Islam. This occurred when Islam began rapidly spreading after the conquest of Makkah.
A letter of almost identical content was sent to the Christians of Najran in the year 10 AD. The Christians were given the option to either follow the teachings of Islam or to live under the protection of Muslims and pay ‘Jazia’, which is a form of tax for security services. After receiving this communication, the Bishop of Najran called all of the learned people and prominent citizens of Najran and requested that they deliberate on the matter and come up with a solution to the problem.
This information quickly disseminated across the populace, which caused some individuals to get enraged; however, the Bishop of Najran was able to assuage their anger by advising them to consider the military strength of the Islamic regime and search for a diplomatic resolution to the conflict.
The Ammal Of Eid Mubahila
The event of Mubahila took place in the 9th year of Hijra. A deputation of 14 Christian (najran) scholars came to discuss the truth of Islam with the Holy Prophet (pbuh) Arguments were put forward by both sides. Several days went by The Christians did not listen to reason.
Then Allah revealed the following verses:
“Verily, the likeness of Eessa with Allah is as the likeness of Aadam. He created him of dust, then He said unto him:Be, and he was (This is ) the truth from your Lord (O Muhammad), so be not of those who doubt.
And whoso disputes with you concerning him after the knowledge which has come unto you, say (unto them): Come We will summon our sons and you your sons, and our women and you your women, and our selfs and your selfs, and then will pray humbly (to the Lord) and invoke the curse of Allah upon those who lie. (The Holy Quran, 3:58,59 and 60 )
1.Have a bath on Eid Mubahila
2.Keep fast & give Charity on Eid Mubahila
3.Pray a 2 Raka’t Salaat. just before noon time , as under on Eid Mubahila
4. donate things to deserving people on eid mubahila
In every Raka’t, after the recitation of Soorah Al Fatih’ah, recite on Eid Mubahila
(i) Soorah Al Ikhlaas 10 times.
(ii) Aayaat ul Kursee 10 times.
(iii) Soorah At Qadr. 10 times.
(iv) After the Salaam go into Sajdah and say 100 times: ALH’AMDULILLAAH SHUKRAN LILLAAH
Then sit and recite the dua’a “Allamumma inni asaloka be anna lakal hamda wahdaka..
Then go into Sajdah and recite :ALHAMDU LILLAH 100 times & SHUKRAN LILLAH 100 times
In Mubahila The location of the Christian mission is Madina.
After much discussion, it was ultimately agreed to dispatch a mission to Madina in order to engage in conversation with the local Muslims for Mubahila. The journey to Makkah was begun by a party consisting of 14 people led by Aqib Saidawar and Abu Harisa. At that time, Abu Harisa was regarded as the most accomplished Bishop and scholar in the Christian world, while Aqib Sadawar was regarded as the most accomplished strategist and negotiator in the world at that time.
Since this was the first time a mission had ever visited Madina in such a manner, the residents were rather taken aback by the extravagant clothing and pomp and show that the members of the group displayed when they arrived.
The Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), upon seeing the valuable stones, gold, and silk clothing that they were wearing, turned his face away and did not pay any attention to them as they entered the Masjid-e-Nabawi. After a time, when no one noticed their pomp and show, they went out of the Masjid-e-Nabawi and found Hazrat Usman and Ubaid-ur-Rehman outside. They queried them as to why they were invited by the Muslims and then treated in this manner. Hazrat Usman and Ubaid-ur-Rehman explained to them that they were invited by the Muslims because they were important.
Hazrat Usman stated that he did not know anything about that subject, but that if they consulted Ameer al Momeneen Hazrat Imam Ali (AS), he would be able to explain what was taking place to them. They brought the delegation with them as they traveled to the home of Imam Ali (AS), where they informed him about the entire incident after arriving there.
Imam Ali (AS) told the delegation that they should take off their silk gowns and gold decorations since it was a representation of their superior attitude and that they should dress more simply instead. After that, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) would consent to their paying him a visit and would play host to them. After they had complied with the directives given to them by Imam Ali (AS), they were granted permission to pay the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh and hf) a visit after the Asr prayers and engage in conversation with him.
Proposal of Mubahila
Following the presentation of their points of view on a variety of topics, the delegation did not appear to be prepared to acknowledge the observations made on the erroneous beliefs of Christianity and the rational explanations proving that such beliefs are erroneous. During that period, Allah (swt) caused the well-known Ayat-e-Mubahila to be revealed in the Quran:
Verse 61 of the Glorious Quran’s Chapter 3 says:
And say to anybody who disputes with you over this matter once the knowledge has come to you: (O’ Our Apostle Muhammad!) (To them) come you, let us summon our boys, and (ye summon) your sons, and (we summon) our ladies, and (ye summon) your women, and (we summon) ourselves, and then let us cast the wrath of God upon the liars!
This verse was uttered by the Holy Prophet Mohammad (pbuh), and they were asked to participate in Mubahila, which is a prayer that asks God (swt) to demolish and expel the liars.
Because the Christian delegation was so adamant about acknowledging the truth, Mubahila ended up becoming required. After some initial reluctance, the delegates asked to be granted one day to think over the many possibilities available to them, after which they consented to have the Mubahila after two days had passed. In the course of their discussions amongst themselves, the grand Bishop Abu Harisa informed his companions that they should accept the challenge without fear in the event that Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh ) brings his companions as well as his tribesmen and military might with him for Mubahila the following day; however, they should never accept the challenge in the event that he only brings members of his family.
Who did the Holy Prophet (pbuh) bring with him in Mubahila?
The Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) chose a location adjacent to Madina for the Mubahila. This location was then cleansed and readied by Hazrat Salman Farsi (as), and the Christian delegation arrived at the specified location the next day. At the location, there was also a gathering of muhajirren and ansaar in sizeable numbers.
The Holy Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (pbuh) led the group towards the site while holding Hazrat Imam Hasan (AS) and Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS), with Hazrat Bibi Fatima (s.a.) following behind him and Ameer al Momeneeen Imam Ali (AS) following behind Hazrat Bibi Fatima (SA). Imam Ali (AS) was then behind Bibi Fatima (SA).
It is related by Saad bin Abi Waqas that when the Ayat-e-Mubahila was revealed, the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) called Imam Ali (AS),Hazrat Bibi Fatima (s.a.), Imam Hasan (AS), and Imam Hussain (AS) and said, “O my Allah (swt), these are my Ahl-e-Bait”. (Sahih Muslim, Vol.2, Page 287).
The sacred sight of Mubahila
The Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) invited these influential people to join him under a tree, where he then instructed them to respond to his prayers to God with a “Ameen.” When the Christian delegation saw the Holy Prophet (pbuh) with a lady, two children, and just one man, they became afraid and anxious. Abu Harisa stated to the Christian delegation,
“O my Christian friends, I am seeing such bright faces that if they ask that God move this mountain from its location, then the mountain would be moved.”
I caution you not to have Mubahila with them because otherwise you would all be destroyed and exiled.
When the brother of Abu Harisa, Karz ibn-e-Alqama, claimed that: “O my brethren, it looks that Mohammad (pbuh) is the same final apostle and prophet that has been mentioned in our sacred texts, the Christian delegation was still shocked and terrified.
We shouldn’t have Mubahila with them since those who did so in the past with the prophets were wiped out, and we don’t want to end ourselves in the same situation. When they glanced around, they noticed that the entire atmosphere had altered, and it seemed as though a violent storm was on the way. When they looked around, they noticed that the signs of their annihilation were appearing. When they looked around, they noticed that these indicators were appearing.
The conclusion reached by the Mubahila
After seeing this, they decided not to participate in the competition and instead asked that their friendship be recognized. Imam Ali (AS) was requested by Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) to write the agreement according to which the Najran tribes consented to pay ‘Jazia’ and live under the protection of the Muslims. The Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) accepted their request and asked Imam Ali (AS) to draught the agreement.
The following are some of the reasons why the Mubahila is such an important event:
- It ended up being a lesson that put an end to any kind of competition between the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and the Christians who lived in Arabia, so they kept their mouths shut.
- The invitation to the field of ‘Mubahala’ was ordered by God, and it was in line with His Command that the Holy Prophet brought his Ahl-ul-Bait along with him to the field of ‘Mubahala’. This serves to generalize how the things related to Apostleship and the religion of God are governed by the Will of God; allowing no margin of intervention from the ordinary people (Ummat). It is important to keep this context in mind while examining the issue of Hazrat Ali’s succession, which was then followed by eleven Imams to the position of religious leadership.
- It was no longer possible to argue that Hazrat Ali, Hazrat -e-Fatima, Imam Hasan, and Imam Hussain (as) were not indispensable in adhering to the teachings of the Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h).
- That despite the fact that they were children at the time, Imam Hasan and Imam Hussain (as) yet served as active companions of the Holy Prophet in the area of “Mubahila.” The conclusion that may be drawn from this is that age is not a factor in determining the grandeur of the infallible (Masoom). They are endowed at birth with knowledge and virtuous qualities.
- The fact that the Holy Prophet showed a preference for the command of Allah towards a select few definitely raises their position over that of all other people.
Due to the fact that Islam was victorious over Christianity on the occasion of ‘Mubahila,‘ this day is given the significance of an Eid day in Islamic history on Eid Mubahila. This victory has never been seen before in the annals of this world’s past.
Eid Mubahila is a day of truth’s victory
Eid Mubahila is the day that showed Ahly bait are Islam’s most important figures.
Eid Mubahila is the