Grace and Gratitude Sura al Rahman Explained

Surah Al Rahman introduction:
Sura al Rahman (Arabic: سورة الرحمن), also called the “bride of the Qur’an,” it is the 55th surah of the holy Qur’an. It is situated in the 27th juz’. The first word of this surah is one of the Creator’s names, which is also the name of this surah. Whether this surah is Makki or Madani is a matter of debate. The smallest verse in the Qur’an is the sixty-fourth verse of this surah. It says, مُدهامَّتان””Densely shady with dark green trees.”
Sura al Rahman, part of the Quran talks about a lot of the good things God has done in this world and the next. Also, the rebirth and what it will be like, as well as how actions will be judged. In this surah, after naming each gift, God asks His servants, “Then, O Jinns and people, which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?” which is said over and over again in this surah, 31 times.
A story about Imam al-Sadiq (a) says that after reading the following verse of the Quran, you should say, “Oh God, I will not refuse any of your gifts.”
Some narrations ( Ahadees ) say that if someone recites Sura al-Rahman, God will give him the chance to be thankful for whatever blessings he has, and if he dies that day or night, he will be called a martyr for his actions.
Surah Al Rahman Names and Titles:
This Surah of the holy Qur’an is called Sura al Rahman because it starts with the word “Rahman,” which is one of God’s names. The other name for this surah is Ala’, which is a plural form of Ilay and means blessings. This is because it talks about the favors of God. [1] Surah al-Rahman is called the “bride of the Qur’an” (‘Arus al-Qur’an) because the holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and the Imams of Shia Islam told stories about it.
Surah Al Rahman Location and Sequence of the Revelation:
This part of the Qur’an was the 97th chapter that God told the Messenger of God (pbuh) about. [3] It is in the twenty-seventh juz’ and is the fifty-fifth surah of the Qur’an.
Whether or not this sura is Makki[4] or Madani is a matter of debate.[5] A scholar of the Qur’an named Muhammad Hadi Ma’rifat thinks that al-Rahman is most likely a Madani surah.
Surah Al Rahman How Many Verses There Are and Other Details:
There are 78 lines, 352 words, and 1648 letters in this sura. Al-Rahman is one of the Mufassalat suras, which are known for having a lot of short lines. It is about half a hizb long. The smallest verse in the Qur’an is the 64th verse of this sura. It is called “Mudhammatan” and it says, “Densely shaded with dark green trees.
Surah Al Rahman Themes and Text:
In Sura al Rahman, which stands for the attributes of being Rahman (the All-Beneficent), God’s many gifts in this world and the next are listed. Sura al Rahman Quran’s surah, can be broken down into three sections:
The gifts in this world: the favors listed here include teaching the Qur’an, making humans and jinn, making plants and trees, making the sky, putting rules in place, making the universe and its features, making fruits, flowers, and fragrant herbs, bringing salty and fresh oceans together, and giving God’s blessings to the seas. (Verses 1 through 30).
The Day of the Resurrection: Mentions the end of this world and the resurrection, what the resurrection will be like, how acts will be judged, and how sinners will be punished. (Verses 30 and 31)
The gifts in the afterlife: After talking about how people who have no faith will be punished in the pit of hell, it talks about how followers will be blessed with gardens, rivers, fruits, and beautiful, faithful women. [10] (Verses 31–78).
The words in Sura al Rahman
God’s gifts on people and jinn, both in this world and the next.
God’s gifts on earth for both jinn and humans
God’s gifts last forever and bring good things
The actions of all jinns and people will be judged
The sky is full of God’s gifts
The end of the world as we know it and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ
The punishment of those who do wrong
talk about how God made people and demons.
There are two gardens for people who really believe in heaven and its rewards
Putting two easts and two wests in place
Two holly Gems Lullu Marjaan
Planning for the requirements of all living things
Why the Bible was written
Some scholars think that Sura al Rahman surah was disclosed to make the non-believers of Quraysh more aware of the word al-Rahman, which means “the All-Beneficent.” This is because when the sixty-first verse of Surah al-Furqan was revealed, which told people to prostrate to the All-Beneficent, they asked,
“What is Rahman?” Then God told the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) about Sura al Rahman. But according to the Shia school of thought Sura al Rahman reveals information about Ahl al-Bayt (a) because Imam Jaffar Al-Sadiq (as) told us so.
Two Seas and Marjaan and Lu’LLu’
According to a hadith told by Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq (a.s), the word “al-Bahrain (الْبَحْرَيْنِ)” in Sura al Rahman the verse” مَرَجَ الْبَحْرَيْنِ يَلْتَقِيَانِ بَيْنَهُمَا بَرْزَخٌ لَّا يَبْغِيَانِ” (He made it look like the two seas meet, but there is a wall in the middle that they can’t cross.) this is about Mola ‘Ali Ibn e Abi Talib (a.s) and holy prophets daughter Syeda tahira Bibi zahra (sla), as well as the words “Lu’lu’ (اللُّؤْلُؤُ)” and “Marjan (الْمَرْجَانُ)” in the verse “.” (He creates both pearls and coral from them.)
Imam Al-Hasan (a.s) and Imam Al-Husayn (a.s) have been said to be the ones who are stated as those gems [15]. [16] you can see this hadith in several Islamic books of both fiqaa e jaffaria kutab and artesunate or other school of thought, such as Majma’ al-Bayan by al-Tabrisi, and Sunni exegesis books, like Dur al-Manthur by al-Suyuti,
Surah Al Rahman Famous Verse
“ هَلْ جَزَاءُ الْإِحْسَانِ إِلَّا الْإِحْسَانُ ”
“Is the reward for being good anything but good?”
God said in earlier verses of Sura al Rahman that those who are afraid to stand before their God will be rewarded with two heavens full of countless blessings of Allah almighty. In this text, it says that all those who are good are rewarded by God because they are good, and that those who are good are also rewarded because they are good.
Based on what Imam Jaffar Al-Sadiq (a.s) said, this verse of Sura al Rahman is about people who don’t believe and people who do believe but have done bad things. If someone does someone else a favor, he should pay it back, and the most effective way to do that is for the compensation to be even bigger than the favor.
Because of the action and the response are on the same level, the action is better because it started the good deed. So, for the action and the response to have the same value, the reaction should be bigger than the action.